
Many smaller businesses have no requirement or available budget for a permanent in-house HR resource and often the person dealing with HR matters has absorbed these responsibilities into their wider day-to-day role.  This can work well much of the time.

bubblesHowever, when more complex, sensitive or time consuming issues and queries arise, Balance HR is on hand to provide support and guide you through such challenges. We provide input and solutions which are fair, practical and, above all, meet your business requirements.

Balance HR can assist in areas such as:

tick1 Sensitive Employee Issues

tick1 Performance Management

tick1 Appraisal Process Design & Implementation

tick1 Absence Management

tick1 Disciplinary Cases

tick1 Grievances

tick1 Pay & Reward

tick1 Flexible Working Requests

tick1 Contracts of Employment

tick1 Policies/Company Handbooks

tick1 Staff Surveys

tick1 Exit Interviews

tick1 Redundancy/Restructuring